Diary notes: *** 2nd March - Pancake Service in the Church ***
Diary notes: *** 2nd March - Pancake Service in the Church ***

Visions of St Birgitta concert

Concert held on Sunday 24th November after Evensong 


With a huge cast, the Church was filled with the Visions of St Birgitta, told through songs performed by mutiple local choirs, and storys narrated by members of the cast.

St Birgitta's Vision, a dramatic community oratorio, world premiere
  • St Birgitta was a Swedish saint born in 1303, whose visions of the Nativity were a major influence on Western European fine art through many centuries.  Much of the oratorio text is taken from her writings.
  • There were over 50 performers ranging from members of local choirs and instrumental groups to professional soloists
  • The evening started with a choral evensong and was followed by St Birgitta's Vision
All profits from St Birgitta's Vision go to support and maintain the beautiful 12th/13th Church of St Peter and Paul.
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