Services Schedule
There will be a service in the Church on the following days. We do hope you can join us. They wll not be a Communion Services unless otherwise noted.
22nd September 11am - inc Banns for Philippa Coull wedding
20th October 11am - Havest Festival
10th November 10.50 in the Churchyard - Remembrance Service
The current Church services for the Shill Valley and Broadshire Benefice, together with the Lectionary can be found on
Rev’d Harry MacInnes,
The Rectory, Church Lane, Shilton, Burford, Oxon, OX18 4AE
Tel: 01993 845954 Email:
Rev’d Dennis Stamps (Associate Vicar)
Church Warden: Managed by the PCC
The next concert to be held in the Church will take place on the 19th May 2024
More details can be found here