- January -
- February -
- March -
2nd - Pancake Service, 11am
tbc - Preschool Service
30th - Concert in the Church. Details tbc
- April-
17th - Maundy Thursday Communion, 7pm
27th - Bio/plants talk - Katia. Details tbc
- May -
22nd - ODG Branch Bells Practice, 7.30pm - 9.30pm
25th - Rogation Service with Kencot
- June -
22nd - Hymns and Pims
29th - Concert in the Church. Details tbc
- July -
- August -
- September -
30th - Concert in the Church. Details tbc
tbc - Village Harvest Festival Lunch in the Molyneaux Barn
- October -
26th - Harvest Festival Service - 11am
- November -
9th - Remembrance Service at the War Memorial
27th - ODG Branch Bells Practice, 7.30pm - 9.30pm
30th - Concert in the Church. Details tbc
- December -
25th - Christmas Day Service (informal)